–Hidden comment

Use attributes in format region_from and region_to= to change the languages showing in language switcher.
Available regions are:
europe_from europe_to
asia_from asia_to
mideast_from mideast_to
america_from america_to

europe_from=0 europe_to=22 will put all languages (ordered in language switcher settings) from 1 to 21 to Europe region:
asia_from=22 asia_to=25 will put all languages from 23 to 24 (so only 2) into Asia region.

Thousands of companies and marketers around the world trust Post Affiliate Pro with their data. Data security is of utmost importance for us. We combine multiple security features to ensure customer, employee and business data is always protected so our customers can rest easy knowing their data is safe, their communication is secure, and their businesses are protected.

Product security

HTTPS encryption
All Post Affiliate Pro hosted accounts run over a secure connection using the HTTPS protocol. Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS) is the secure version of HTTP, the protocol over which data is sent between your browser and the website that you are connected to. It means all communication between your browser and Post Affiliate Pro is encrypted, including your chat and email communication.

Secure credential storage
We follow latest best practices to store and protect user login credentials and passwords in the cloud.

API Security
Post Affiliate Pro API is restricted to accredited users based on username and password or username and API tokens.

Data center security

We ensure the confidentiality and integrity of your data with industry best practices. Post Affiliate Pro servers are hosted at Tier IV or III+, PCI DSS, SSAE-16, or ISO 27001 compliant facilities. Our Security Team constantly pushes security updates and actively responds to security alerts and events.

Physical security

FacilitiesServer environment
Post Affiliate Pro servers are hosted at Tier III+ or IV or PCI DSS, SSAE-16, or ISO 27001 compliant facilities. Data center facilities are powered by redundant power, each with UPS and backup generators.
On-site securitySecurity zones
Our data center facilities feature a secured perimeter with multi-level security zones, 24/7 manned security, CCTV video surveillance, multifactor identification with biometric access control, physical locks, and security breach alarms.
MonitoringServer & device monitoring
All Production Network systems, networked devices, and circuits are constantly monitored and logically administered by Post Affiliate Pro administrators. Physical security, power, and internet connectivity beyond co-location cage doors or Amazon/Linode services are monitored by the facilities providers.
LocationDatacenters in United States, Europe & Asia
Post Affiliate Pro hosts data in multiple data centers based on your preference or geographical location in the United States, Europe, and Asia. Customers can choose to locate their Service Data in the US-only or Europe-only.

Network security

Our network is protected by redundant firewalls, best-in-class router technology, secure HTTPS transport over public networks, and network Intrusion Detection and/or Prevention technologies (IDS/IPS) which monitor and/or block malicious traffic and network attacks.

Network security

ArchitectureSecurity zones in our architecture
Our network security architecture consists of multiple security zones. More sensitive systems, like application servers and database servers, are protected in our most trusted zones. Other systems like loadbalancers are housed in zones commensurate with their sensitivity, depending on function, information classification, and risk.
3rd-party penetration testsThird-party security research
In addition to our extensive internal scanning and testing program, Post Affiliate Pro also works with third-party security experts and researchers to perform security checks and broad penetration tests.
Network vulnerability scanningVulnerability scanning
Network security scanning gives us deep insight for quick identification of out-of-compliance or potentially vulnerable systems.
DDoS mitigationDDoS mitigation
Industry-leading infrastructure is in place to protect against and mitigate the impact of denial of service attacks.
EncryptionCommunication encryption
Communications between you and Post Affiliate Pro servers are encrypted via industry best-practices HTTPS and Transport Layer Security (TLS) over public networks.

Disaster recovery, backup & redundancy

We operate a multi-level backup and disaster recovery strategy. Backups and near real-time snapshots are taken at various intervals and multiple copies are securely stored on different servers. Our disaster recovery program ensures that our services remain available or are easily recoverable in the case of a disaster.

Our redundancy architecture eliminates a single point of failure. Combined with comprehensive backups, we ensure customer data is replicated and available across production systems.


Post Affiliate Pro is fully compliant with the GDPR directive that became enforceable on May 25th, 2018. A team of security experts and developers was working on strengthening our security policies and raising awareness about data protection and what is required of our employees to comply with rules that GDPR puts in place. We also made sure that our customers were informed about the recent development in a timely manner.

Learn more about Post Affiliate Pro and GDPR

Google OAuth and Google Data

What information do we collect? 
We collect email address of Google users.

How do we use the information?
We use it to access mailbox of Google users in order to process their emails into tickets.

How do we share the information?
We don’t share the information with any 3rd parties.

Use of information received from Google APIs will adhere to Google API Services User Data Policy, including the Limited Use requirements.

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